Fundraise for IRSSS

We humbly raise our hands up to you and thank you for considering the Indian Residential School Survivor Society (IRSSS) as the beneficiary for your fundraiser. By organizing a fundraiser with us, you can make a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by the intergenerational trauma of the Residential School system.

Join us in our mission to foster healing, reconciliation, and resilience within Indigenous communities across Canada. Apply now to host a fundraiser and be a catalyst for positive change.

Fundraiser Application

We welcome friends to share in our healing journey.

To ensure transparency, we ask that organizations and individuals who are considering IRSSS as a beneficiary for their fundraising event, where over $1,000 will be raised, please fill out the online form or download the PDF application and submit to

Please review our third-party fundraiser guidelines below prior to submitting your fundraising application.

Third-Party Fundraiser Guidelines

Please review the following guidelines prior to submitting your application: 

  1. To ensure timely processing, Third-Party Fundraising Applications should be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the proposed fundraising activity. Approval must be obtained before initiating any promotion or advertising. Additionally, please note that during peak periods, such as June and September, applications may require submission 6-8 weeks in advance.

  2. Applications are required each year if your event is recurring.

  3. Permission must be received from IRSSS to use our name and/or logo in conjunction with third party fundraising activities. IRSSS must approve all promotional material prior to distribution. We will provide our logo for approved promotional material if requested.

  4. It should be clearly stated in promotional material that the fundraising activities are “In Support of” or “Proceeds to” followed by “Indian Residential School Survivors Society” or the IRSSS logo. IRSSS. IRSSS is not to be named as a sponsor or co-sponsor of third-party fundraising activities.

  5. By publicly naming IRSSS as the sole beneficiary of your event or promotion, you are required to donate the proceeds to IRSSS. IRSSS is not responsible for any financial losses from this event.

  6. IRSSS encourages the organizer to issue press releases and to promote via social media in regards to their third party fundraising activities.

  7. The event organizer is responsible entirely for event publicity. IRSSS will share appropriate social media posts at IRSSS’s discretion.

  8. The organizer must obtain raffle/lottery and/or liquor licenses for third party fundraising activities. The organizer should take the necessary steps to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. IRSSS will not provide its licenses or permits for third party fundraising activities or be held liable if the organizer is found to be in violation of any laws or regulations. 

  9. The organizer is responsible for providing the staff and volunteer support that is required for the fundraising activities. IRSSS may be able to offer volunteer support and, if requested, we will do our best to provide a representative to attend the event.

  10. Any requests made to third parties by the organizer for donations/prizes/sponsors should be made with the understanding that the organizer takes responsibility for the event and IRSSS is understood by these parties to be the beneficiary of the event, not the organizer of the event.

  11. The organizer is responsible for thanking any other parties that contribute to this event as well as any volunteers at this event. IRSSS asks to be informed of these contributions/donations/volunteers so that they may thank contributors where appropriate or work with the organizer to do so.

  12. IRSSS does not assume any liability for injuries, damage or theft sustained during third party fundraisers.

  13. Please attach a copy of any licenses, permits and proof of liability insurance.

  14. IRSSS will provide a link to our donation portal for your fundraising event which provides charitable tax receipts in accordance with Canada Revenue Agency’s tax receipting guidelines.

  15. Tax receipts cannot be issued to an organization for a collection of funds or for monies raised by employees through a casual day fundraiser: i.e., jeans day, bake sale, hot dog sale; etc. Donations made by individuals will be tax receipted to each individual providing their address is provided. Donations made by corporations will be issued an acknowledgement receipt, if requested by the organization on official letterhead, and provided the donation does not represent collected funds.

  16. Goods and services not eligible for tax receipts include the purchase of items such as raffle tickets, admission tickets, greens fees, or donated services.

  17. In the event donation receipts are required for individuals participating in your event, please include IRSSS’s charitable tax receipt number on all publicity: 864829536 RR0001. The organizer should deliver the proceeds from the third-party fundraising activities within 14 days of the end of the fundraising activities.

  18. IIRSSS will aim to arrange for a representative to be available upon request for an official cheque presentation. However, please note that during September, due to high demand for our services, we regret that we will not be able to accommodate cheque presentations.

  19. IRSSS reserves the right to obtain and use any photos or quotes from third party fundraising activities.

  20. IRSSS reserves the right to deny any application for a fundraising.