Pamela Eyles

Team Lead / Cultural Support Provider / Scheduler

Hello, my name is Pamela Eyles. I coordinate and schedule all the CSPs and Elders -- traditional knowledge keepers offering advice and spiritual guidance. IRSSS has a team of over twenty CSPs and Elders in BC who are qualified to provide support at gatherings, ceremonies, and workshops. 

I am a proud mother of five beautiful, inspiring children who have always motivated my husband and me to do our best. I am so grateful to be a part of an organization that supports our people and others with the education needed for our healing. My ground roots are Stswece,c Xgat'te, First Nation; I have been blessed with two fathers who are now my guardian angels; one is from Blueberry Mountain in Alberta, and my second blessing is from Tsleil-Wautuh Nation. I have been given by the Creator some amazing mentors to guide me through my life. I have had the pleasure of supporting my communities by assisting as an Urban Liaison for NSTQ. I have supported BCNWA by volunteering as their Vice President and treasurer and started the drive for more. I am grateful for every blessing that has transpired as it helps me grow. 

I have worked locally as an Early Childhood educator at Little Fawn Daycare in Kamloops for over six years. In addition, I have worked as a Lifestyle Programs Manager at Chartwell, where I was blessed with stories about our local history and had over 100 adoptive grandparents looking out for me; they all taught me something. We are all healing from something, and what a better world it would be working together for the carbon footprints we will leave for generations to come. Every day is a New Beginning. Take a deep breath and start again.   

Pamela Eyles RHSW Scheduler CSP Scheduler First Nations Woman Smiling Pink Floral Print Shirt Long Hair In Front of Rock Ledge Waterfall IRSSS Indian Residential School Survivors Society

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