Sadie McPhee

Resolution Health Support Worker / Elder & Cultural

Hello, my name is Smayt Sp'oq'es ot/'eagle helping women,' which means I have the Gift of Prayer. My English name is Sadie McPhee. I live and work on the traditional territory of Chawathil. I work for IRSSS as a Resolution Health Support Worker, where I hold space for healing, share traditional knowledge and provide community crisis response for emotional and mental health support. I do one-on-one support and cedar or eagle fan brushing.  

I want to acknowledge that I live and work on the traditional ancestral and unceded shared territory of the Chawathil people of the Tiyt Tribe. The Tiyt Tribes of the Stó: lo territory extend along the boundaries down both sides of the Fraser River from Yale to Seabird. We thank you for welcoming us to the region and allowing us to carry out our work today, also known as Hope BC (British Columbia).  

Yours in Native Spirit,   

Sadie McPhee (Smayt Sp'oq'es ot) 

Sadie McPhee RHSW Chawathil First Nations Woman IRSSS Eagle Fan Resolution Health Support Worker

Richard Wolff


Shirley David